sheer joy

美 [ʃɪr dʒɔɪ]英 [ʃɪə(r) dʒɔɪ]
  • 纯粹的欢乐
sheer joysheer joy
  1. What we get from this adventure is just sheer joy .


  2. First is the sheer joy of making things .


  3. The sheer joy of seeing you again after all these years .


  4. Feel the music and just dance for sheer joy .


  5. It 's like he 's playing for the sheer joy of it .


  6. He does it for the sheer joy of fighting beneath the moon .


  7. from sheer joy to anticipation to absolute fear .


  8. He believed that the sheer joy of making music or learning just about anything was accessible to all children .


  9. He sat down and wept out of sheer joy .


  10. Jonathan flies for the sheer joy of exploring what he can do .


  11. She laughed for sheer joy .


  12. As I set there filling my pipe , I suddenly heard a shout of sheer joy come from the other side of the wall .


  13. Who could have predicted the sheer joy that followed Towns 's contest-sealing three-pointer to top Boston 's Isaiah Thomas ?


  14. By 11:30 , though , the orchestra has picked up the tempo of the chant and kicked it up into sheer joy .


  15. The buzzing of small airplanes is very rarely heard in China 's vast yet closed skies , and flying for the sheer joy of it is still a novelty .


  16. If you write to possess , you have only fame and fortune on your mind ; if you write to create , you think of little else but the sheer joy of creation .


  17. Still others describe these fin-tailed beauties as murderous beasts that seduce men with beautiful songs and then kill then mercilessly for the sheer joy of it .


  18. Although empathetic hosting will make your guests feel wonderful , you 'll find that no matter how much they enjoy visiting , the person who derives the most sheer joy from this process will be you .


  19. After the driver took a daredevil plunge from atop a towering dune to the banks of a lake in a deep inlet below , my son looked back at us with an expression_r of sheer joy .


  20. And just like the ladies in the purple hats , sometimes you simply have to wear tap shoes to the grocery store & if for nothing else , just the sheer joy of hearing the click , click , click .


  21. Ben Travis writes in Empire that Onward is " pure , perfect Pixar - a film with such warmth , whip-smart humor and creative energy that it 's a sheer joy to spend a few hours in its presence . "


  22. He took the baby in his arms , and for a short while they were together , the three of them , united by a sheer , ephemeral joy .
